July 8, 2017

The weekend after 4th of July festivities, 10 Transit Traders met in the Transit Building; 5 traded.

Jenn collected more greeting cards for the Mental Health Awareness Project, thank you for your donations!  Artists shared their Show and Tell of the Gilded Flakes Technique, as demonstrated by Brenda.  There was the Blind Color Trade : July was Turquoise & August was Pink.  Artists then traded Pocket Pages followed by the Regular Trade.  JAMS were also available if Artists wanted to participate.

The second part of the meeting was an Open Session, to work on any project - any medium.  Artists enjoyed the opportunity to chat and connect.

Linda or Sue will do the next demonstration.  Thank you!

The next meeting will be on September 16th at 1pm.  Please bring:
1) (1) ATC for each month for the Blind Color Trades:
      September: Sepia/Brown and October: Black
2) Regular Trade
3) Pocket Page with (1) additional ATC
5) Greeting Cards for MH Awareness Project (ongoing)