May 20, 2017

Although, the weather has been up, down, and all around lately, the weather was lovely for the Transit Traders meeting.  10 Artists met, 9 traded.

Linda proposed that we meet for lunch before the next meeting.  Please check your email for details. Jenn shared details about Adventures in Stamping, a 2-day convention in Akron, Ohio in April.  The same organization also has a 1-day convention in October.

Jenn collected more greeting cards for the Mental Health Awareness Project.

Artists participated in the Blind Color Trades for May - Orange and June - Green.  Each person put their ATC in a bag and then each person selected one out of the bag.

Then, Artists traded Pocket Pages.  It is so neat to see how each one evolves!

Brenda brought a new product to the group for the Demonstration and Workshop : Nuvo Gliding Flakes.  Thank you Brenda!

Step 1:  Stamp an image on cardstock using Versamark ink
Step 2:  Sprinkle Heat & Stick Powder on the image
Step 3:  Apply the Gilding Flakes onto the image
Step 4:  Press down lightly to make sure it is covered
Step 5:  Brush away using scrub brush sponge

Brenda mixed the colors in a container, which she also uses for storage

After applying the flakes, use this scrub brush to remove the excess

Lisa, Bridgett, and Brenda

Voila!  A multi-colored metallic embossed image!

It was agreed upon to not have a Demonstration or Workshop for the next meeting, but rather to bring whatever project we are working on (or something new) and play - crop style.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, July 8th at 1pm at the Transit Building.
For the next meeting, please bring:
* Challenge: (1) ATC with a stamped image using Nuvo Gilding Flakes
* Blind Color Trade: (1) ATC for July - Turquoise
   and (1) ATC for August: Pink
* Pocket Page with (1) additional ATC
* Regular Trade
* Whatever supplies you want to bring for a 1-hour crop session
* Greeting Cards for MH Awareness Project (ongoing)