The meeting began with a discussion about the direction of the group as many Artists are interested in moving-on. As there was not a final conclusion, the group decided to meet again on October 14th to discuss "What's Next?" The end result was that there will be two groups - an Art Group that will meet in the mornings of the days of the Transit Traders meeting and will be led by Artists to teach different techniques and mediums. The Transit Traders will continue as a group and will meet in the afternoons. Everyone is encouraged to recruit new Artists!
Artists participated in the Blind Trade: September was Sepia/Brown and October was Black. Artists then traded Pocket Pages and then ATCs in the Regular Trade.
Sue did a demonstration with napkins and saran wrap. Thank you Sue!
The next meeting will be on November 18, 2017 at 1pm. It will be the last meeting before the spin-off Art Group. So please bring:
1) A potluck food item to celebrate our years together
2) Challenge : An ATC with Sue's technique
3) Blind Color Trade: November: Gold; December: Red
4) Regular Trade
5) Pocket Page Trade