September 15, 2018

With summer ending in one week, 5 Artists met in the Transit Fine Arts Gallery.  The meeting opened with a discussion regarding ongoing efforts to invite new members to the group.

The 2018 Animal Blind Trade continued: September - Kangaroos and October - Pandas.  Artists participated in a Show and Tell of the Mousse/Stamping/Markers demonstrated in July and then the Regular Trade.

Bridgett demonstrated how to make a tie-dye background with coffee filters.  Groovy!  Thank you Bridgett!

The next meeting will be on Saturday, November 17th at 1pm.  Please bring:
* Stamps to share with fellow Artists
    -Autumn/Thanksgiving, Floral- Peonies & Orchids preferred
    -Artists will stamp images at the meeting to then incorporate into cards in the future
    -Don't forget ink pads and paper/cardstock
* Challenge: (1) ATCoin (using a 2.5 inch diameter circle)
* Challenge: (1) ATC using the tie-dye technique
*2018 Animal Blind Trade: November: Sheep and
                                             December: Rabbits
*Regular Trade