While the beginning of Autumn is right around the corner, with the humidity, today felt like a Summer day. 13 Transit Traders were present. 11 traded in the "regular" trade; 12 traded backgrounds, 1 by proxy.
After announcements, we had a brainstorming discussion of how and what to prepare for the next couple of meetings. We decided that for the November meeting, we will prepare and trade ATCs of any theme - most likely Artists will do Holiday/Winter for the "regular" trade. In January, we will design and trade ATCs using the backgrounds that we traded today as the "regular" trade.
Next was the Blind Trade for the 2015 Calendar Months. It is hard to believe that the year is almost over!
Then we traded ATCs - both the "regular" trade and backgrounds.
We did our Show and Tell of the techniques demonstrated in the July meeting - Embossing Folder Rubbing Technique.
Sue conducted a demonstration and workshop on how to use Gelli Plates for Monoprinting. Sue graciously brought many supplies to share. Thank you Sue! The plate itself feels like thick jello - but it does not dissolve or disintegrate. Using acrylic paints, tools to create designs in the paint including stencils and found objects, and your imagination, we created some great prints! It was such an organic process - truly evolving with each step. Artists used deli paper, standard paper, sheet music, book pages, and maps.
Linda volunteered to do the next demonstration/workshop. Thank you Linda!
Think of ideas for a 2016 Project, please! This year's project was that we traded Calendar Months. In the past, we have traded Birthday ATCs and Altered Playing Cards. Please bring your ideas to the next meeting.
The next meeting is on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 1pm. Please bring:
1) (1) ATC using the Gelli Plate printing technique demonstrated today for the Show & Tell
2) (1) November and (1) December ATC for the Calendar Blind Trade
3) ATCs for the "regular" trade (of any theme - many Artists plan to do Holiday/Winter)
PLAN AHEAD for the January 2016 meeting! Start to work on designing the backgrounds received today. You may need to prepare a couple more cards separately from the backgrounds in case other Artists attend as well and plan to trade.
See you in November!