January 26, 2013 Transit Traders Meeting

2 by Jackie Hedlund  (Altered Playing Card

3 by Carol McDonald  (Altered Playing Card)

Jenn Lofink (using chipboard, Linda's demo)

Nancy Ferenacz (using gauze, Sue's demo)

Spring by Karen Hughes (from standard trade)

Vicky Ostenson (using gauze, Sue's demo)

Today's meeting was very well-attended!  18 people were present, 16 of who participated in the trade! 

Our meeting began with introductions.  Welcome to Nancy Linkewitz from Union City and Marla Downing from Oil City!   

We learned the "Jack Frost" technique from Bridgett Davis using Epsom Salts.

We shared our 3 Challenge ATCs which were 1) Using gauze, coffee filters and/or tissue paper for dimensional looks and textures as demonstrated by Sue Spencer in November 2012,  2) Using chipboard as demonstrated by Linda Fisher in September 2012, and 3) Designing a name tag ATC to wear during meetings as our group continues to grow. 
We ended the meeting with our trades – the standard one and our last Altered Playing Card trade.  So, participants in the APC trade should now have a full deck!

Margaret Brostrom, an Artist who has relocated from California and is affiliated with the National Transit Studios & Arts Center in Oil City, met several ATC Artists since the last meeting and reviewed a sampling of our work.  She encouraged us to exhibit our ATCs in a setting such as the Mosaic Café in Oil City!  We as a group agreed to coordinate a show for later this year.

(B Davis 11/12)

"Ice Fishing" by Karen Hughes (using "Jack Frost" technique)

Supplies needed: Epsom salt crystals, hot water, mixing bowl, foam paintbrush, card stock—various colors 4 ¼ x 5 ½, miscellaneous stamps, inks, paper, embellishments, etc.


Step 1:  Mix equal parts of Epsom Salt and hot water.  Stir til crystals dissolve.  I usually mix ½ c. crystals and ½ c. water.


Step 2:  Using the foam brush, coat the card stock with the solution.  Be careful not to brush over areas previously brushed.


Step 3:  Lay flat to dry.  This will take 10-20 minutes, depending on room temp and humidity.


Step 4: As the paper drys, it may curl from the water.   DO not iron, but place under a heavy item, if necessary.


Step 5:  Use this “Icy” paper as a background layer.   You cannot stamp on it with any success.



--Various colors of cardstock give different results.  You will have to experiment to find ones that give you the look you like.


--The size of the crystals on the card will vary with the freshness of the mixture.  If used immediately after mixing they will be the largest.   If used after 8 hours, the crystals will be tiny and you will have an overall “frosted” look instead of crystal formation.